You are looking at the documentation of a prior release. To read the documentation of the latest release, please
visit here.
Install Voyager
Get a Free License
Download a FREE license from AppsCode License Server.
Voyager licensing process has been designed to work with CI/CD workflow. You can automatically obtain a license from your CI/CD pipeline by following the guide from here.
Using Helm 3
Voyager can be installed via Helm using the chart from AppsCode Charts Repository. To install, follow the steps below:
# provider=acs
# provider=aks
# provider=aws
# provider=azure
# provider=baremetal
# provider=gce
# provider=gke
# provider=kind
# provider=openstack
# provider=metallb
# provider=digitalocean
# provider=linode
$ helm install voyager oci:// \
--version v2023.9.18 \
--namespace voyager --create-namespace \
--set cloudProvider=$provider \
--set-file license=/path/to/the/license.txt \
--wait --burst-limit=10000 --debug
To see the detailed configuration options, visit here.
Using YAML
If you prefer to not use Helm, you can generate YAMLs from Voyager chart and deploy using kubectl
. Here we are going to show the procedure using Helm 3.
# provider=acs
# provider=aks
# provider=aws
# provider=azure
# provider=baremetal
# provider=gce
# provider=gke
# provider=kind
# provider=openstack
# provider=metallb
# provider=digitalocean
# provider=linode
$ kubectl create ns voyager
$ helm template voyager oci:// \
--version v2023.9.18 \
--namespace voyager --create-namespace \
--set cloudProvider=$provider \
--set-file license=/path/to/the/license.txt \
--set cleaner.skip=true | kubectl apply -f -
To see the detailed configuration options, visit here.
Verify installation
To check if Voyager operator pods have started, run the following command:
$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -l --watch
voyager voyager-operator-84d575d55-5lphm 1/1 Running 0 6m42s
Once the operator pods are running, you can cancel the above command by typing Ctrl+C
Now, to confirm CRD groups have been registered by the operator, run the following command:
$ kubectl get crd -l
Now, you are ready to create your first ingress using Voyager.
Configuring RBAC
Voyager creates an Ingress
CRD. Voyager installer will create 2 user facing cluster roles:
ClusterRole | Aggregates To | Description |
appscode:voyager:edit | admin, edit | Allows edit access to Voyager CRDs, intended to be granted within a namespace using a RoleBinding. |
appscode:voyager:view | view | Allows read-only access to Voyager CRDs, intended to be granted within a namespace using a RoleBinding. |
These user facing roles supports ClusterRole Aggregation feature in Kubernetes 1.9 or later clusters.
Using kubectl
Since Voyager uses its own TPR/CRD, you need to use full resource kind to find it with kubectl.
# List all voyager ingress
$ kubectl get --all-namespaces
# List voyager ingress for a namespace
$ kubectl get -n <namespace>
# Get Ingress YAML
$ kubectl get -n <namespace> <ingress-name> -o yaml
# Describe Ingress. Very useful to debug problems.
$ kubectl describe -n <namespace> <ingress-name>
Purchase Voyager License
If you are interested in purchasing Voyager license, please contact us via [email protected] for further discussion. You can also set up a meeting via our calendly link.
If you are willing to purchase Voyager license but need more time to test in your dev cluster, feel free to contact [email protected]. We will be happy to extend your trial period.