You are looking at the documentation of a prior release. To read the documentation of the latest release, please visit here.

New to Voyager? Please start here.

Upgrading Voyager

This guide will show you how to upgrade various Voyager components. Here, we are going to show how to upgrade from an old Voyager version to the new version, and how to update the license, etc.

Upgrading Voyager from v12.0.0 or prior to v2021.04.24-rc.0

In order to upgrade from Voyager v12.0.0 to v2021.04.6, please follow the following steps.

1. Update Voyager CRDs

Helm does not upgrade the CRDs bundled in a Helm chart if the CRDs already exist. So, to upgrde the Voyager CRDs, please run the command below:

kubectl apply -f

2. Upgrade Voyager Operator

Now, upgrade the Voyager helm chart using the following command. You can find the latest installation guide here.

helm upgrade voyager-operator -n kube-system appscode/voyager \
  --reuse-values \
  --version v2021.04.24-rc.0

Updating License

Voyager support updating license without requiring any re-installation. Voyager creates a Secret named <helm release name>-license with the license file. You just need to update the Secret. The changes will propagate automatically to the operator and it will use the updated license going forward.

Follow the below instructions to update the license:

  • Get a new license and save it into a file.
  • Then, run the following upgrade command based on your installation.

Using Helm 3

helm upgrade voyager-operator -n kube-system appscode/voyager \
  --reuse-values \
  --set-file license=/path/to/new/license.txt

Using Helm 2

helm upgrade voyager-operator appscode/voyager \
  --reuse-values \
  --set-file license=/path/to/new/license.txt

Using YAML (with helm 3)

helm template voyager-operator -n kube-system appscode/voyager \
  --set cleaner.skip=true \
  --set-file license=/path/to/new/license.txt | kubectl apply -f -