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Let’s Encrypt FAQs

How do I renew my LE certificates?

LE issues certificates that are valid for 90 days. Voyager operator will try renewing your certificate 7 days prior to expiration. Once renewed certificates are issued, HAProxy will be automatically updated to use the new certificates.

I think I did everything according to this doc but my certificate is not issuing? How do I debug?

To debug, describe the certificate object and check the events listed under it. Voyager will report any warning events under the certificate object.

kubectl describe certificate <name> --namespace <namespace>

You can also check the logs for voyager operator pod and look for anything suspicious.

kubectl logs -f <voyager-pod-name> -n kube-system

What are the rate limits for Let’s Encrypt?

Please consult the official document on this matter:

How to use Let’s Encrypt staging servers?

If you are just testing Voyager and want to avoid hitting the rate limits in LE productoion environment, you have 2 options:

  • Buy a cheap domain for testing. There are lot of $0.99/yr domains available these days.
  • You can tell voyager to use the LE staging servers for issuing the certificate. The issued certificate is not trusted, hence should not be used in production websites. But this works great for testing purposes. To use the staging environment, set the key ACME_SERVER_URL in your acme secret in addition to your email address.
kubectl create secret generic acme-account \
  [email protected] \

Where is my LE account info?

Given your acme email and acme server url (if provided), voyager operator will open a new LE account. Voyager will store the account data in the acme user secret under ACME_USER_PRIVATE_KEY and ACME_REGISTRATION_DATA keys after the first successful registration. Any following interaction will LE will done using this account. This helps voyager to avoid performing repeated domain ownership challenged. We recommend that you keep a backup copy of the full secret. To be clear, if these keys are missing voyager will automatically register a new account with LE and use that.

$ kubectl get secrets acme-account -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
  ACME_REGISTRATION_DATA: eyJib2R5Ijp7InJlc291cmNlIjoicmVnIiwiaWQiOjI0OTc1NTYwLCJrZXkiOnsia3R5IjoiUlNBIiwibiI6IjNXRDRzY0hsUUN6N1JmbUZUNmZ3YXpIZ2UyNjhsajk5UGJmMkNwV1lSRzhlTFNHVGVBd0ZXdFVmRTRyMnItQkdjT3AtTnFtYUxBWGxGQmZTWjhtNzRnNEhPbHdPR0tYaTg1cG5hRkYxZS12MDEuYXBpLmxldHNlbmNyeXB0Lm9yZy9hY21lL25ldy1hdXRoeiIsInRlcm1zX29mX3NlcnZpY2UiOiJodHRwczovL2xldHNlbmNyeXB0Lm9yZy9kb2N1bWVudHMvTEUtU0EtdjEuMi1Ob3ZlbWJlci0xNS0yMDE3LnBkZiJ9
kind: Secret
  creationTimestamp: 2017-11-27T23:44:32Z
  name: acme-account
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "33187"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets/acme-account
  uid: eab30248-d3cc-11e7-8b04-02cf95c35e16
type: Opaque

How can I distribute the issued ssl certificates?

There are several options:

  • If you are trying to distribute the same ssl certificate across different namespaces of a cluster, you can use a tool like kubed.
  • If you want to distribute the issued certificates across different clusters, you can setup Voyager to issue certificates independently on each cluster. Please read the rate limiting restrictions for LE. The other option is to use kubed.
  • Just manually copy paste the tls-*** secret to your destination cluster or namespace.

How to issue certificate with multiple domains?

The above example shows how to issue a SANS certificate with multiple domains. The only restriction is that all domains must be using the same DNS provider account. They can use different domain registrars.

How to issue Wildcard certificates via Let’s Encrypt?

Wild card certificates are not supported by Let’s Encrypt as of Nov 2017. Wildcard certificates are coming to LE in 2018. Once this is officially supported, we hope to integrate that in Voyager.

Does Voyager support OCSP stapling?

Voyager currently does not issue certificates that use OCSP stapling. See here for prior discussions.